Wednesday, June 08, 2005


ok the best thing i did in my life today: i sorted out my notes once and for all. the bad part of it: i found a silverfish longer than my fingernail. oh how could i leave my notes unattended for so loong! ~~ yea right. i just left them in the storeroom only ma.. who would expect the 'sea' of notes to have fishes in it XD

yay! life rox!
so badly.
its the glorious 2-week-left holiday! such satisfaction is gained when one pons an econs remedial. wonderfully subtle was my sleep during the 8am-12pm literature remedial... i hardly snored! *not that i do* sigh... not many events are present these days to brighten up my life... but hey, other animate objects do - u guys reading my blog, and all my friends out there! heh. friends brighten up ur life. they're like little specks of stars scattered across the night sky, without them it would be just a dark, dull sky. like the stars so precious up above, our frens so wonderful down below.tts wad frens are for: we look out for each other just like the twinkling stars in the sky harmonise to produce a warm glownig light :) lol why am i so literary all of a sudden... o well. late nights mess wif ur mind :D

watched a beautiful mind recently. a mental thriller, taking u across the planes of metaphysical, physical, and delusional realms, exploring the depths of a, beautiful mind. one of my favourite shows, never a moment boring with the twists and turns and subtly distressing mental changes of professor john nash. but the show did bring up a good point: u control who you are. the mind is all powerful, and as long as u haf the will do to what u want, u can achieve it. other than that..been watching shows like turn left turn right, dry wood fierce fire, love undercover, and other nice chinese romance-comedy shows. never gets boring. talking about turn left turn right, i wun forget how aiping lent me money to buy the vcd on that day :) i really like having nice talks wif frenz. and yup, aipnig's a nice fren whom i can talk to :)

ok another highlight: i love cycling and cycled on mark's bike around the school for 1 hour plus. beginnnig was abit wobbly as i dun cycle often, even fell sometimes, but then it got enjoyable. i went home like a tomato. it was scorching. the OM knew that i suppose. *notice i use 'suppose*. cycling gives me such relaxation and the sensation of freedom.. ahh.. insatiable. couldnt get enough of it. the opportunity cost was the 'comfort' of having a sunburn. ok what am i talking about... -.-

i went for ns medical checkup! and in the midst of the blood taking, i saw... JIMMY. rofl. ok. the finger pricking thing... was numbing. technology sure is advanced. long gone are the days where the doctor will use a needle and MANUALLY prick ur finger, while offering a sweet thinking that can cure the pain of MULTIPLE tries to get a DROP of blood. wow. interesting. anyway, now they use a gun like small mechanism. snap, u just feel a numb sensation, followed by an itching-biting sensation as he draws the blood thru a tube. the 'doctors' are ns personnel... which makes one even more nervous. ok... blood drawing via the forearm. god was i nervous. but hey, it was painless! a tornique was put ard my bicep for the vein to show, and tt reduced the feeling in my lower arm. coupled with the doctor 'painting' my arm with alcohol... the needle went in like in was goin into cheese. i watched it... squirmish eh. the whole checkup took 6 hrs. i didnt know i wasnt supposed to wear contacts, so i had to wait additional 30min for my eyes to get adjusted. the iq test/ survey was a pain.. it seemed an eternity before i finally said hi to the bus driver. oh well. the troubles of an efficient security system. ironic? up to u to decide :P

okie dats about everything that happened so far. other than that life is contained within an LCD screen, 2 speakers, a mouse, keyboard, and cpu. cya ard frenz. o. and. study hard during the hols!!! coughzz..


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