Sunday, December 19, 2004

these are the days

long time since i blogged. dunno if ppl still visit this cob-web infested place, but oh well, i juz felt like writing something.

Here's a recollection of events: cycling trip with 'family' at east coast park was enjoyable, but very hot, and it left me with a headache. cycling is so shiok... going at a fast speed and having the wind streaming thru ur hair juz blows all ur troubles away... gone with the wind. im sorta up in the clouds recently... feeling weird, like im a robot devoid of feeling, just going thru daily life without purpose.

next was celebrating shawn's 17th bdae. had fun talking cok. eric took pics every step. we even put the camera inside a neoprint box and took pics -_- took neoprint but chose only 2 out of 4 pics... ran out of time while choosing lol. yep, more lan gamin sessions etc.

saw a movie called hurricane. there was this part about writing. writing is magic, even though enclosed in a jail cell, writing gives u the ability to see the outside world, be connected with those who are at the same time writing stories. its about this guy called hurricane, who was wronged and jailed for life. in jail, he told himself, not to want, to deprive himself of all thoughts of worldly matters. i wonder if tts how we should lead our lives. wanting breeds lots of emotional hazards. greed. jealousy. and jealousy is something corrupt, and is surfacing everywhere, even with friends. i think we should all let loose a little and taek things as they come. the show was very touching as it showed the mans will to fight on, together with the willingness of others to help. yep.

Went out today to do some hist research, bought and drank slurpee in the library, fell asleep, read books. photocopied info, den ate a light dinner at pasta mania. talked more cok. shopped and looked at numerous clothes and gifts. christmas comin, an uncelebrated occassion for me, but i still wish all merry c'mas, enjoy it. bdaes comin for the new year. hmm, hope i dun forget em. gifts... the meaning behind it? leave it to ya'll.

sometimes, a human can think too much, and this aggravates the situation such that he/she thinks of all kinda weird things that may raise doubt or lower confidence. motivation. ive lost it. excellence, being above the rest, but yet with the rest, is hard to achieve. improvement. something we must all have. but being too keen on improvement will only create self doubt and invite frustration with self. over eagerness to improve will only bring more heartache when ur close scrutiny tells u there's no noticeable improvement. everyone is improving slowly. juz keep to what u like, and, naturally without much notice, and with happy thoughts, ull improve. take things easy in life, we only live once, meet nice friends, keep in touch, and wadeva. its 2am and i cant think straight. tried to train abit. havent ran on a treadmill since start of hols. o well. cut hair? nah, wanna haf fun with the om again. this time ill hide me pass. ogl workshop was fun. had fun filming it. esp on the last day when all of them did the cheers. duckda(how u spell?) made me sit in the centre and rotate about while they screamed their cheers at me lol. boring to film from a bystander view, yea but i get to see teamwork and stuff. its tough for those ogls. yep, rest well everyone. i hate to be stressed out, tts why im takin things ez. havent done any hol hw. dead.

libra libra, 2nd october. whats ur horoscope? well, ive been reaaal dreamy lately. thinkin bout all sorts of things. but horoscopes never fail to fascinate me. wads my purpose in life, as a libra, wad traits do i possess, which zodiac goes well with me, etc. i find it rather meaningful, and yes its juz a general characterisation, but hey, im bored :P but it really does give a greater insight into ppl's char, and most of it is true, so handling ppl will be easier. :) they say im a conversationalist... well, not in a grp definitely. depends on me mood too. i like conversing with ppl 1to1. its nice. hmm oh ya. and i dun like conversing when sitting side by side. i feel... awkward lol. i like face to face. :) or any other position that isnt too squeezy. a free bird :D
omg enuff crap already. nitez. bb

cranky hsien


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