Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Cloning: Immortality?

Had gp lesson this morning... did a passage analysis on the 'Hwa Chong' Paper, which talked about cloning. A rather intesresting subject to talk about. How fun would it be, if one could live forever, without fear of death or disease. If the ability of thoughts could be copied as well, then the person would be a living breathing split-second image of himself. Hmmm heheh, thought could create infinite possibilities, but would also result in increased crime rates as people could duplicate their positions.
The fact about saving lives from the wrath of infertility or death/disease makes cloning a very useful alternative. Many people in this world die due to mishaps, and most of them die without a cause. As we arent one of them, its near impossible to feel for what their family members might feel for the loss of their loved ones. Life is so fragile... no matter how strong a person is, he is still fully susceptible to death/disease, and accidents. Countries where terrorist attacks take place, in Afghanistan for example, or Iraq, people die by numerous numbers EVERYDAY due to bombings and stuff... its so cruel to take a life... such terrorists have no heart/no brain. They advocate that they will go to heaven if they sacrifice themselves in a kamikaze... what lame logic -_- There are limitations to what medical advancements can do, thus cloning could be a major life-saver in the near future, aside from the cost it will incur. Cloning includes organ cloning, which could be useful for people in need for transplant for example.
However, some people find it morally repugnant to create a living breathing replica of urself, with exactly the same thoughts - this would be a blow to human dignity, as we are reduced to merely copies of ourselves, and are given name tags as 'donors'. Some view it as inhumane to bring a life to this world, with exactly the same thoughts as the original... this is somewhat taking 'creation out of God's hands'. And with cloning comes many accidents during the experimental procedures, and it involves many animal lives and implications later. Thus it will be very dangerous to experiment on humans, as once the life is created, if it goes out of hand, the life cannot be terminated, and the abomination has to live in suffering. Sighz..
The issue about immortality is an attractive alternative to some. Being immortal could present us with the opportunity of a lifetime to fulfil our dreams/wishes, and we could enjoy ourselves forever in the state of youth we are in. We could also attempt things that we could never dare to try in our lives due to life dangers. People would have the freedom to do what they want... oh man break ending in 5 seconds. Gotta go, till next time!


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